The damages are designed to compensate victims for their direct losses.
Significant opportunity costs include: litigation damages, loss of proprietary data, consumer confidence, loss of direct revenue, reconstruction of data, and reconstruction of services.
Direct economic losses from the earthquake will be about RMB67b in Sichuan, arising from the damages to 14207 businesses in the province.
In any case, due to the site direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages, the website and its owners do not undertake any responsibility.
The major mechanical damages of fruit are usually not direct split but local bruise caused by dropping impact during harvesting, sorting, packaging, and transportation.
In this paper, the legislation of damages caused by collision without direct impact are narrated, main types of such collisions are classified, and key notes of analyzing such cases are presented.
Fairness is deemed as the principle's value, direct injury as the base of culpability and equity as the last resort to determine the amount of damages paid by the wrongdoer.
Only such losses, damages or expenses which are the direct consequence of the general average act shall be allowed as general average.
Only such losses, damages or expenses which are the direct consequence of the general average act shall be allowed as general average.