White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the two countries could work together and still disagree on issues both in public and in private.
On all the major issues, we both want essentially the same thing, even if we disagree on how best to achieve these goals.
To meet these threats, we must find common ground and work together in common purpose, even as we may disagree on certain issues.
My rule when hosting an online community is that participants will be civil with each other even if we disagree on the issues.
"We have spent a lot of energy in the past month working on those issues where we disagree and trying to resolve them, " said Jonathan Pershing, heading the U.S. delegation at the talks in Cancun.
We may disagree on certain issues, yet we should properly resolve our differences in a spirit of mutual-respect to ensure our bilateral relations free of any damage.
The White House says China and United States will continue to work together on major issues on which they sometimes disagree amid increase tension between the two countries.
She took on issues that were vital but hard to disagree with: She was pro-veteran, anti-childhood obesity.
Is it possible that we can agree to disagree on some issues?
There are issues on which we disagree and are tempted to confront each other.
There are issues on which we disagree and are tempted to confront each other.