The final pairing shown is how to disconnect the client from the server room when the user ends his or her game.
Disconnect the storage server from the SAN to avoid installation of the operating system on SAN disks, which are discovered first.
You have complete control of the server's status, so you are able to test single updates before releasing them on the update server and to disconnect the server from the Internet.
If you're trying to determine why a server won't boot after a disk failure, the first thing I often do is to un-map or disconnect all disks from the server except for the root volume group.
Often a client will connect, issue one command, receive the response from the server and disconnect.
After a disconnect from the server, it is now possible to log back in immediately, instead of receiving the message, "A character with that name already exists."
在断开以后从服务器,它现在是可能采伐立刻,而不是收到消息, “一个字符以那个名字已经存在。”
After a disconnect from the server, it is now possible to log back in immediately, instead of receiving the message, "A character with that name already exists."
在断开以后从服务器,它现在是可能采伐立刻,而不是收到消息, “一个字符以那个名字已经存在。”