As they put more money in the smaller, pure-play companies that focused on one industry vertical, Big Oil began to trade at a discount.
The shares of most big drug firms now trade at a discount to the market, as promises of bright times ahead are marred by risk.
These would form a proto-currency that would trade at a discount to the remaining euros in circulation-a shadow price of the devaluation to come.
The latter will presumably trade at a discount to the former.
Many Banks now trade at a deep discount to the value of their assets.
The price is subject to a 20% trade discount off the net price.
The term "trade discount" refers to a discount on the listed price granted by an enterprise for the purpose of sales promotion of goods.
With a view to trade at discounts of closed-end funds, this paper tries to answer what is the character of the closed-end fund discount in Chinese market.
This article studies the optimal inventory model for deteriorating items, when the vender affords fixed trade credit and cash discount to the retailer.
We are prepared to offer you a special trade discount of 20% on all orders exceeding $100,000 received before the end of this year.
We are prepared to offer you a special trade discount of 20% on all orders exceeding $100,000 received before the end of this year.