The plasma membrane infoldings were absent in the epithelial cells of its proximal renal tubule and collecting tubule, and were present but fewer in the epithelial cells of its distal renal tubule.
The polyuria and dehydration of ill rabbits in clinic were related to renal epithelium apoptosis of distal convoluted renal tubule and collecting duct.
The expression of PDGF a was mainly found in the renal distal tubule and epithelial cells of distal straight tubule and glomerulus capillary, but IGF 1 in transplanting artery equal expressed.
而在肾组织中PD GFA与IGF 1的表达均主要集中在远曲小管、远直小管上皮细胞及肾小球毛细血管上皮细胞。
The results of immunohistochemistry revealed that ASBT was expressed at brush border membrane of proximal renal tubular cells, but not expressed in distal tubule and renal interstitium.
The results showed that apoptotic cells mainly occurred in the renal cells of distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct.
The results showed that apoptotic cells mainly occurred in the renal cells of distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct.