With the assumption that the component processing time is exponential distribution, components' average queueing time in the system was calculated by queueing theory.
A common distribution core that provides all electrical power, gases, chemicals, and other services to the sectors of an automated wafer processing system.
The paper describes a microcomputer system used for distributed real time information processing its system composition, model selecting and mission distribution.
Logistics system includes customer service, packaging, transportation, storage, distribution processing and information control.
The Parking Guidance system consists of the information collection subsystem, the message processing subsystem, the message transmission subsystem and the message distribution subsystem.
The system provided evidences for the energy distribution of loads, the energy consumption of system and the calculation of efficiency parameters through data collection and processing.
The computer system of neutron distribution measurement and data processing in pool type reactor including its principle, method, design and work situation is described.
Through a simulation of mercury distribution in Kela2 processing system with natural gas, we have summarized mercury congregation regularity, and proposed some innovative approaches.
The temperature distribution variable is gained by using combustion flame image processing technique and two-color flame monitoring system inversion measurement.
The temperature distribution variable is gained by using combustion flame image processing technique and two-color flame monitoring system inversion measurement.