Do you know what I definitely believe in?
Knowing you are interested in China, I do believe you can help me solve these puzzles.
While it may not seem so, if you are low in self-confidence, I strongly believe that you can do things to increase your self-confidence.
I believe - you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
If you believe in markets (as I do), then the supply of creativity overwhelmingly depends on its demand.
As much as I respect you and your country, however, forgive me for saying in the spirit of honesty and friendship that we do not believe you are doing enough to promote the global common good.
Answer: I believe you are asking for limits as far as how many applications can run on a single machine and therefore, how many machines do you need in an environment.
Do you take a rocket? "I had to admit to him that I didn't know how you get to heaven, I just believe in it."
I believe in keeping your goals simple, and if you do that, goal-setting and goal-management doesn't require software.
I tend to be interested in everything, and, while I don't believe in knowledge for knowledge's sake, I do believe that anything you learn can be useful and often is.
我往往对每一件事都感兴趣,但是我不相信理论化的知识(不知道这样理解恰当不?) ,而是相信你学的每一样东西都有可能有用,并且通常的确如此。
Not a problem, I assumed Apart from that, which was just to do a joke it's true that I think that you learn a lot about leadership in the us I really believe that I really believe that the U.S..
As you do, I believe you'll experience something akin to what musician Juana Molina said recently in an interview about her experience in creating music.
在做这些时,我相信,你会感受到与音乐家胡安娜·莫利纳(Juana Molina)在最近的一期访谈中描述其创作音乐的经历相仿的感觉。
"I don't believe in birth control. If you want to control your fertility, do it the way God intended: with a cold, loveless marriage." -stephen colbert.
I believe in me. Do you believe in me?
If you know the name of the attribute (as you do in the make-believe example — birthDate), I recommend using name-based queries, as shown in Listing 5.
I try to go by the William Morris idea of “having nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
In this case I believe true delicacy requires you to do as I ask.
Whatever you are, I believe you will do well in your job.
I do not believe you will have any saucer landings for quite a while, not physical landings in the usual sense of the word.
I do not believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed process.
My brother is so lucky. Good stuff is always happening to him. Do you believe in luck? And if so, how can I get more of it?
Do you believe in me? Because I believe in me. And you helped me get to where I am today.
Though my faith is still weak I do believe in you.
Husband: Of course. I think you can get another job easily. You're good at what you do and I believe in you.
This is the finest thing, I believe, that you can do honorably as a soldier in this unit.
This is the finest thing, I believe, that you can do honorably as a soldier in this unit.