Scientists do not know what causes acrylamide to form but they believe it occurs as a result of a chemical process during baking, frying, or grilling.
Doctors do not know what causes this process.
Scientists still do not know what causes most diabetes.
It 's a dull sort of pain, and I do not know what causes it.
Due to low awareness of lung conditions, many COPD patients in Georgia do not know what causes the disease.
I do not know what causes the refuse and escape of Chen Wei's art Personality for the noisy world, vanity fashion and this world?
We do not know what causes many people had eaten all this, but some will not, I eat the first time it was like this, so I do not wish that a factor.
Researchers still do not know what causes bipolar disorder, although it is argued that family history is presently the strongest predictive factor for being diagnosed with bipolar.
Scientists do not know exactly what causes acrylamide to form but they believe it occurs as a result of a chemical process during baking, frying, grilling or toasting.
But they do not know what "glue" causes the pairing in the high-temperature (" high-Tc ") superconductors.
We need to know what not to do because bad habits and wrong methods, not insufficient practice, are the main causes of a lack of progress.
We need to know what not to do because bad habits and wrong methods, not insufficient practice, are the main causes of a lack of progress.