Do you consider that part of it finished?
Do you consider that to be important?
Do you consider that we can finish the project ahead of time?
Do you consider that moving forward Web Services and REST will peacefully coexist?
Do you consider that an enterprise should have a single (federated) ESB for SOA implementation?
To what extent do you consider that Performance Related Pay (excluding basic income) motivate you to perform better?
If you do choose to consume beverages that stain, consider using a straw so the liquid is not hitting off your teeth.
If you find some methods that do not fit with the name of the class, you should consider moving those methods to another class.
If you need many locks for threads inside a process, consider using a language and language constructs that automatically do a lot of lock maintenance.
Consider it a confirmation of your brilliance that the application now offers everything you've created scripts to do -- and now it is time for you to continue to be smart and use what is available.
So, next time you are starting a blog that would last for many years, do seriously consider the above points.
Of course, if you aren't able to do that, you shouldn't suffer indefinitely. Consider looking for a transfer to a new boss or a new employer.
Try to avoid making decisions under pressure so that you can consider what you should do.
If I started with 1982 at UNC, I could end with the shot in Utah or playing on the Dream Team, playing baseball. Although you guys don't consider that to be successful I do.
I won't gloss over the fact that brown rice of any variety takes longer to cook than white rice, but consider the extra 20 to 25 minutes as free time for you to do something else.
Knowing that is one of the topics you cannot broach, if the applicant asks about work hours, do not consider that a negative question. It may be triggered by a concern about childcare.
If you are retired, if you are a housewife, if you have what others might consider a humble job — whatever it is that you do most of the day, be proud of it.
Consider some common conditions that can cause such situations while you do string manipulation using the new character-based string functions.
Every once in a while, you may find that the best way to maintain control of a presentation is to do something that others would consider insane.
What do you consider the largest map that would be really useful?
If you choose to do that, consider turning off JFS logging on your new file system before you start copying to it.
Disable any services that are not needed, and consider an appropriate execution frequency for your environment for the services you do use.
But, if it's like a circle or a half circle, or things like that, then even if a problem doesn't tell you to do it in polar coordinates you might want to seriously consider it.
I would consider eliminating as many things as possible on the routine list, as they tend to just be friction that stops you from doing what you really want to do.
A good solution is to consider what the worst case scenario of failing would be, because once you do that, it's never as bad as when the scenario was an unknown.
Do not consider it a hardship to set your servant free, because his service to you these six years has been worth twice as much as that of a hired hand.
Exactly. Another thing we have to consider is how to increase hits from customers. Do you have any idea on that?
Consider the question "Why did you decide to do that?"
Consider the question "Why did you decide to do that?"