If you forget this final step (I do nearly every time I use EJB3 annotations in Grails), you'll get the following error message.
Do you think God is saying, "Get the message."
If you do not have both of those, you will get the message shown in Figure 2.
If you want to pass some of the input message to the output message when claiming a task, you can get the input message and do the mapping as shown in the Listing 7.
NOTE: You may get a message asking if you want to open the Plug-In Development Perspective. If you do, click Yes.
注意:您可能会看到一条信息询问是否希望打开Plug-InDevelopmentPerspective,如果希望的话,单击 Yes。
Instead, if you get a get request for some action other than a query, send back a confirmation message of the form "you asked me to do X, is that okay?"
相反,如果您得到的GET请求有查询以外的行为,那么返回一个“youaskedmeto doX,isthat okay ? (ok, Cancel)”格式的确认消息。
The key is to train yourself to make an on-the-spot decision about what you need to do with an email message — and put it in a place where you know you'll get to it on time.
If you do not get the message shown in figure 7, open the BuddyNote view frame and select your user ID in the Contacts list.
And does the message get reinforced in everything you do?
To address this problem, how can we get the message to the population efficiently, do you have any experience in your country?
We've all heard the message from our parents: if you work hard, get a good education, and play by the rules, you will do well in life.
Ok, I get the message. Hey, do you have any sisters?
Do you think you can get the message to him in time?
What message do you hope to get out about China in the world through this expansion?
So do you get a feeling that most doctors were listening to your lecture understand the key message of your lecture?
When you see this message, you have a violent incomparable love poison, the only cure is to marry me, do not take into account the, let's get married!
You see I buried my wife, the love of my life just a few short years ago and watched her slowly fade away. I needed to get a message of hope to this girl. But how? What could I do?
It is important to know exactly the message you want to send to people and what you are trying to get them to do.
It is important to know exactly the message you want to send to people and what you are trying to get them to do.