Doctrinal differences were vigorously debated among religious leaders.
He was inclined to compromise on doctrinal issues.
Doctrinal indifference is no solution to the problem of doctrinal differences.
This article makes relevant advertising theoretical study on doctrinal levels.
So, orthodoxy needs to be spelled out to limit the scope for doctrinal dissent.
But it seemed to be a minor doctrinal point, with little historical significance.
Meanwhile, doctrinal activists still sing out their contradictions and exaggerations.
Like most of Paul's epistles, this consists of two parts, a doctrinal and a practical.
And that's what its central message is: very individualistic,very doctrinal,very theological.
Generally, the social characteristic of networks has not yet received the deserved doctrinal attention.
However, various disputes and divergences about the issue have historical origin and doctrinal history background.
It is the group's obsession with Lee, not some doctrinal tenent, that causes most lay observers to label it a cult.
This was a major charge leveled by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, the Vatican's doctrinal overseer, in an important U.S. address last January.
这是梵蒂冈的护法,红衣主教Joseph Ratzinger(这位就是当今教皇大人啦——译者注)去年一月在美国的一次重要演说中提出的主要指控。
They will not win swing voters if they value doctrinal purity above all else. And they will not be able to govern if they treat all compromise as betrayal.
"11 and 12", set in Mali, is the story of two holy men who call for tolerance when a doctrinal dispute flares into violence and is exploited by French colonists.
The theory of codification of ethics finds its doctrinal basis in the theory that ethics and law share the common core but ethics has some limits in its function.
Moreover, law schools today have expanded the scope of doctrinal instruction to new fields including environmental law, intellectual property, and international law.
The writer sum up, organized and evaluated the achievement on the sides of academic background, doctrinal origin, academic content and value, as well as its influence.
So researches on the legal truth during the judicial process not only have the doctrinal significance of telling wrong from truth but also have very important realistic significance.
The existing Criminal Code does not define "public safety" meaning, there is no specific judicial interpretation, and only there are some of the doctrinal studies on "public safety".
Based on different subjects and different effects of the law, interpretations of a civil law differ as legislative interpretations, judicial interpretations and doctrinal interpretations.
Because the subjective form of "illegal holding" is difficult to ascertain and is unable to be gotten round, the relevant doctrinal interpretations occur to illustrate with demonstration.
Because the subjective form of "illegal holding" is difficult to ascertain and is unable to be gotten round, the relevant doctrinal interpretations occur to illustrate with demonstration.