The image of a man being slurped on a moving toboggan by a pesky dog is too cartoonishly good to be true.
You're the finest friend and pet dog a man could ever have!
The man is there to feed the dog, and the dog is there to keep the man away from the machines.
Once upon a time, a man met a dog and wanted it to help him in the fight against other animals, and the dog listened to him and did what he told him to do.
A man named Peter recognized his lost dog and called the number on the flier.
He's a lonely old man who only has his dog to keep him company.
"I've even seen a homeless man fighting with a dog over a piece of meat in a trash bin," Zhang said.
That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy.
Then the man talked softly to the dog.
He saw a young man with a dog who wanted to make a fire but did not have wood.
The old man takes good care of his dog and treats it as a friend.
A man was able to get the dog out of the road with a ham sandwich that he had prepared for his lunch.
A blind man is sometimes guided by a dog.
More recently, in what Sara Mead, an education expert at the New America Foundation, calls a "man bites dog" sensation, public and parental concerns have shifted to boys.
"Historically wine has had a good run, but there is a feeling it is getting near the end of the bubble," said one City trader. "Every man and his dog seems to be cropping up as a wine broker."
The vet examines the still, limp body and after a few moments tells the man that his dog, regrettably, is dead.
We all know at least one cat lady. Now, meet a dog man.
Suppose you are asked to remember the following list of words: man, bench, dog, desk, woman, horse, child, cat, chair.
"I've even seen a homeless man fighting with a dog over a piece of meat in a trash bin, " he said.
A Swiss man has created a "solar dog" phone charger that combines a solar panel with a dog for the ultimate portable charging solution.
I once had a date with a handsome man and his handsome Portuguese water dog who were so interested in each other they paid no attention to me.
Before dying the condemned man says merely: "Like a dog."
Tourists witnessed the entire event whichstarted around 1pm when a young man walking a dog unexpectedly ran towards theshore and launched the dog into the ocean.
Picasso judged Lump, a dog of unique character, thus: "Lump is not a dog, not a man - he really is someone else."
And he definitely never said, "You're the man now, dog."
As I marched down the sidewalk, I spotted a man and woman about my age, walking their little dog.
As I marched down the sidewalk, I spotted a man and woman about my age, walking their little dog.