Domain name itself is influential to SEO, but the influence of this respect is not to originate weight.
The discovery of this tectonic zone supports the view that the influence of the Paleo-Asiatic tectonic domain on the Northeast China microblock persisted till the Middle Jurassic.
Rarefaction effect tends to make supersonic flows move smoothly, and to enlarge the influence domain of cylinder.
A finite point matrix method based on the cosine splines is presented by utilizing the conception of the nodal influence domain in this paper.
Then not only the problem of queer dot at the well bore is avoided, but also the radius of influence domain (R) of the depression cone is convenient to deduce.
The purpose of this paper is to use the Finite Difference Time Domain (FD TD) method to determine numerically the influence of plasma exhaust plume to boost flyer on electromagnetic pulse effects.
Influence of the shielding box on the propagation and dispersion characteristics of microstrip has been analyzed by the spectral domain immittance approach.
The difficulty to select the size of influence domain;
It analyzes formulae of Time Important Factor in the different applications and divides source Important Factor into two parts, the influence of source and the relatedness of source and domain.
In this paper, the basic principles of this method, some basic regularity and influence factors of interpreting time domain curves are discussed, and some engineering examples are listed.
Based on the frequency-domain model of synthesizer, the method can accurately predict the phase noise of the divider and its influence to the phase noise of synthesizer.
In fact, the influence of clay mineral on the engineering properties of clayey soil is given by the domain, but in varying structure systems the extent of this influence is different.
Depth image brings forth great influence on information processing technique in the field of computer vision and cause vision concept to enter the 3d non-contact measuring domain.
In this paper the relation between phase and zeros in frequency domain is given, special attention is paid to the influence of simple real zeros on the uniqueness of reconstruction.
Under the influence of writers of other domain, he creates a kind of narration style that is euphemistic, exquisite, reserved, refined and belong to himself.
In fact, the FFT spectrum is the convolution between read time series and window function in domain of frequency, the dominant frequency position influence on leakage should not be ignored.
Thus, the influence of sociocultural factor plays a leading role in using euphemisms, and it is also one of the most important aspects that we should focus on the domain of pragmatic translation.
The orthogonal method and multiple-domain coupling numerical simulation are used to explore the influence of structural parameters on piezoelectric micro synthetic jet velocity.
The orthogonal method and multiple-domain coupling numerical simulation are used to explore the influence of structural parameters on piezoelectric micro synthetic jet velocity.