This will tend to raise imports, worsen the trade balance, and weaken the domestic currency.
Well, when potential importers ask for price quotes, we set our prices in domestic currency.
second, many private-sector investors need assets that match liabilities in their domestic currency;
At this point, the Dollar was not only domestic currency, but also the main international reserve currency.
Thee exchange rate is the price of foreign currency in terms of domestic currency, and it varies from time to time.
Monetary currency substitution refers to foreign monetary currency replacing domestic currency in one or several area.
It's true that the domestic central bank takes ownership of foreign currency, but only the domestic currency circulates domestically.
While domestic currency circulation is defined by law, formation of international currency is mainly a process decided by market factors.
Under the latest proposals, foreigners will be able to increase their aggregate holding in domestic currency "A" shares from $4bn to $10bn.
The Ministry of Railways sold Rmb45bn of seven-, 10- and 15-year domestic currency bonds in November to build new rail lines and improve existing routes
Traditionally, we think of central Banks as pursuing the opposite policy; using its foreign exchange reserves to buy the domestic currency (like the UK's doomed effort in 1992).
Relatively high exchange rates of the foreign currency compared to the domestic currency discourage imports and encourage exports, as in the case of the United States and Japan.
The devaluation of the domestic currency, the Indonesian Rupiah, by more than 50 percent and the shutdown of many manufacturing shops had a tremendous impact on people’s incomes.
It can be essentially seen as the substitution of the functions of domestic currency by foreign currency, and can also be analyzed from the aspect of the motive of monetary demand.
PPP, rather than market exchange rates, is regarded as a better measure of the relative cost of living, since it is based on goods and services households can buy with their domestic currency.
How should an international currency like the US dollar be interpreted and analyzed if its international and domestic roles conflict?
American exporters do not have to worry about currency mismatch because both their domestic costs and their export earnings are in dollars.
And if the international role and domestic role of an international currency such as the dollar conflicts with each other, how to explain and analyze the issue.
Pressure builds on the country to revalue its currency and boost domestic consumption, which makes up an unusually small share of its GDP.
The most radical solution of all is a new global currency that could be used in international transactions and would float alongside domestic currencies.
The most radical solution of all is a new global currency that could be used in international transactions and would float alongside domestic currencies.