He has a somewhat donnish air about him.
He is a devout Catholic with mild, donnish quirks. He writes haiku poems and reads Shakespeare for pleasure.
She knew he was being playful in his donnish way and she was surprised that he could take the whole affair so lightly .
她知道,他是以专家学者的派头故意装出幽默的样子; 她感到惊奇的是,他竟然把这一事态看得如此轻松。
Juvenile Antarctic octopuses, speckled brown, mauve and orange, look like exquisitely carved netsuke ornaments, perfectly proportioned and endearing for their donnish domed "heads".
Juvenile Antarctic octopuses, speckled brown, mauve and orange, look like exquisitely carved netsuke ornaments, perfectly proportioned and endearing for their donnish domed "heads".