According to the relationship between the crystal doping concentration and the laser pump light absorption, gives the ladder doped crystal.
The doped crystal has greatly improved performance, provides a broad application prospect. The study focused on the current domestic-doped lithium niobate crystal.
The filtering properties of doped one-dimensional photonic crystal containing negative refractive index material are studied by using transfer matrix method.
The crystal performance and luminescent property had a great change when Sr2+ ions was doped in BAM.
This paper analyzed and compared the crystal phases and resistance-temperature properties of doped YBCO and BSCCO ceramic samples.
A process for preparing doped molten silicon for use in a single silicon crystal growing process is disclosed.
The characteristics of photonic forbidden band and impurity mode in doped one-dimensional photonic crystal were investigated by numeral simulated calculation with the method of characteristic matrix.
This article analyzes and studies the raw material handling, growth technology, crystal structure, character and defect of the ytterbium doped natrium yttrium tungstate laser crystal.
With the same pump conditions, the medial section temperature raise of 0.5%(mass fraction) Nd-ion doped neodymium-doped yttrium orthovanadate crystal is higher than other doped quality index.
在相同泵浦条件下,钕离子掺杂质量分数为0 5%的掺钕钒酸钇晶体中截面处的温升大于其他掺杂质量分数的晶体的相应温升。
Transition metal ion-doped glass-ceramics can combine the advantages of easy process ability of glass and high emission efficiency in broadband of transparent crystal.
We have studied the mechanism of the anisotropic property of degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) signal intensity in nematic liquid crystal doped with dye.
The modal cutoff properties and exciting conditions of higher order resonant modes for Ge-doped photonic crystal fiber Bragg grating(PCFBG) are investigated using beam propagation method(BPM).
The switch bases on one-dimensional photonic crystal doped by electro-optical material.
We measured the spread noise of doped LiNbO_3 crystals, finding out the relation between the crystal defects and picture quality according to the experiment.
This result may explain the index change induced by trans-cis isomerization in most of azo-dye-doped liquid crystal films.
Therefore it is of great significance to synthesize and investigate the excellent boron-doped diamond single crystal.
To describe the interaction between the cis isomer and the LC molecules, Maier Saupe potential expression was re written by means of the order parameters of the doped liquid crystal system.
Up to date, the doped lithium niobate crystal is the most ideal three dimensional storage materi...
A high-contrast, fast-response, and polarizer-free reflective display using a dye-doped, dual-frequency liquid crystal gel is demonstrated.
A high-contrast, fast-response, and polarizer-free reflective display using a dye-doped, dual-frequency liquid crystal gel is demonstrated.