They feed on plankton, the sea's drifting life.
Some people enjoy that kind of life, drifting from pillar to post.
In fact, drifting with my life accompanied by a process of each, and only myself.
The sociologists Barbara Schneider and David Stevenson have astutely described recent cohorts as "drifting dreamers" with "high ambitions, but no clear life plan for reaching them."
If you're drifting through life, or feel out of control, or don't know how you got here... deciding to live consciously could be the single most important thing you do.
Do you ever have a feeling that you're drifting through life, and not going where you want to go?
There was a time, after he had spent years drifting, when Saravanan's life seemed promising.
I 'm a little boat drifting in the sea of knowledge. You' re the beacon on my voyage navigating for me with your light of life.
Her life is a long travel, just like water which is always in the state of flowing and drifting.
It is like a cyborg surgery that resuscitate a life that drifting the brink of death by replacing the dysfunctional area to the special function device….
It is homesickness while studying in France; the Indonesian for ceremonies of life, volcano mythology and drifting memories?
Life is endless it is drifting, is camped and garbage pick-up food everywhere.
You tend to feel powerless and like you are just drifting along in life.
In fact, when we meet at the wheel floating in the air come and go at the time, a comfortable life of leisure and life is drifting away.
This team is in search of elusive bearded seals, an affectionate and playful seal species that spends nearly all its life either in the water or drifting on Artic ice floes.
As the aim is drifting, the two weighty attitudes to life come to such an extreme that the future faced by people becomes jokes.
In view of this, a variable pitch valve spring is designed to eliminate the axial shifting and radial drifting of the valve disk and improve the service life of the valve.
If not, we would be simply leading a meaningless life, like a ship that has lost its compass and is drifting about aimlessly.
Even if you have everything life has to offer, you can feel unfulfilled and without purpose, drifting from one day to the next.
Murata Pearlescent Nara said 11-year-old to become famous, 20-year-old due to become tired of life to return to secular life, after 10 years of drifting around.
As a "free flying juvenile rover", in the process of the wind and rain drifting, young Xiao Qian had went through the vicissitudes of life and inconstancy of human relationships.
Ambient vocals supplied by six drunk punters supporting the flaccid limbs of a friend—a life size marionette drifting in and out of consciousness—in the stairwell below.
Ambient vocals supplied by six drunk punters supporting the flaccid limbs of a friend—a life size marionette drifting in and out of consciousness—in the stairwell below.