She could feel the tension drop away.
Hundreds of people had to be turned away because the stadium was so full that couldn't even admit one drop in.
The selling prices drop away from the state purchasing prices.
When users walk away from the PC they simply hit the button to quickly drop the PC into a low-power mode.
Once we get the general area of our clouds, we want to drop the brush opacity to 20% and start slowly painting away our detailed areas.
Storms, hail or lightning can kill birds while tornadoes or waterspouts may suck up small fish or frogs and drop them far away.
For example, if your search bar has advanced filters, put them away in a special drop-down menu at the end.
Instead, the search box controls drop down, allowing you to begin your search straight away.
The regional figures show some starker trends. Journeys in Scotland have nearly halved since 1975 and Wales has also seen a drop, while trips in England fell away but are now back at their 1982 level.
These include doing away with lifetime caps on coverage and 'recissions,' a practice used by insurers to drop customers once they get sick.
At least 150 disappointed people, each willing to drop about $500 or more for Wii paraphernalia at that store, walked away.
If we feel in love with someone but cannot get together, expect to treasure a drop of tear from our heart and go away without a word. What else can we choose?
It is okay if breadcrumbs drop on your plate or the table. The waiter will clear them away for you.
Right after that pleasant news, he had to drive to the local Goodwill store to drop off the stuff to be given away.
DON't let your precious time and disposable income slip away so easily. Here are five things you can drop today. You DON't have to.
Ten percent affirmed the statement, “People who want to drop Dewey don't understand the nuances of classification and are throwing away something valuable and widely used just to follow a trend.”
All actions drop away of themselves. The fruit of action does not touch him.
So make lists - like what you will accomplish around the house next Tuesday, reminders to go to Goodwill and drop off your clothes, or just to file away or shred the paper in your inbox.
所以,要列个清单,比如说,下周二你要打扫房间,提醒自己要去Good will处理掉一些衣服,或者仅仅是清理掉收件箱里的文件。
You use your mind to still your mind. When you are meditating, holding one thought, other thoughts drop away.
Concentrate the mind on one thought and all other thoughts will drop away. Then drop this one thought.
With Rational Rapid Developer, we can build the presentation layer right away, using drag-and-drop.
'No, thank you, Mrs Mann. Not a drop.' he waved the bottle away.
Small business owners will continue to drop coverage altogether. I will not walk away from these Americans and neither should the people in this chamber. speaking.
You may find that the difficulty will diminish and drop away .
You may find that the difficulty will diminish and drop away .