Maintaining this duplicated content is tedious and increases the risk of human error.
When a child Workspace is created, again no data is duplicated, there is simply an indicator in the database that a child Workspace is available, and that its content is set to read/write.
Create content that can't be duplicated. The very definition of a replaceable blog is one that only regurgitates what others are writing about.
It's crucial that your site contains quality content that's not duplicated elsewhere.
This article proposes one kind of duplicated news web pages removal algorithm though study news content on elements of news subject.
The experimental result indicated that, this method can complete in view of the news content duplicated web pages, and obtains the high recall and the accuracy ratio.
The experimental result indicated that, this method can complete in view of the news content duplicated web pages, and obtains the high recall and the accuracy ratio.