But their big value now is that they offer clear, specific and simple APIs to lookup and change the information that each owns.
For example, it must be clear who "owns" each service and makes decisions on how the service should evolve over time.
Maintaining an ownership hierarchy, where each resource owns the resources it acquires and is responsible for releasing them, helps keep the mess from getting out of control.
Each service provider owns a private key and USES it to correctly decrypt its own messages when coming to the topic.
Each node in the cluster renews reservations for any LUNs it owns every three seconds.
In addition, this document helps you identify who owns, and who is responsible for, producing each type of content.
The process itself actually owns the kernel threads and each process can have one or more kernel threads (for example, multi-threaded applications).
The shared facility will provide for cloud computing by replacing traditional datacenters where each company owns and manages its own systems, hardware, and software.
The two to three founders saying that each of them owns X amount of Newco (your to-be-established company) and assigning all of their IP related to this venture to Newco.
Each key in the keystore can be identified by an alias, which is typically the name of the signer who owns the key.
Each Linux partition is assigned, owns and manages its own devices.
Clicking on not covered brings up the table shown in Figure 13, which shows each requirement not covered and who owns that requirement.
The application hangs because each thread owns a lock on one of the class loaders and wants the lock on the other class loader, as illustrated in the timeline diagram in Figure 2.
The paper's authors give the example of Gaudencia, a woman who owns three shops in western Kenya, each about 30 minutes by bus from the others.
As an example, the person-vehicle requires a person to enter data for each vehicle she owns.
例如,person - vehicle要求人员为其拥有的每台车辆都输入数据。
Nigel talked about the Service Provisioning Model: each account has a billing relationship, and owns one ore more virtual servers.
接下来,Nigel又谈到了服务供应模型(Service Provisioning Model):每个账户都有一个先后次序,同时拥有一个或多个虚拟服务器。
Shell's Canadian affiliate owns 60 percent of the 155, 000-barrel-a-day operation, and Marathon Oil Corp. and Chevron Corp. each own 20 percent.
Google owns and operate more than two dozen data centres around the world, each containing hundreds of thousands of servers.
When thinking of performance and scalability, another setup is possible where each cluster member hosts its own active me and each me owns a Message Point for a Destination assigned to the Bus-Member.
Separate process templates Pattern: In this situation, each tenant owns a dedicated set of process templates.
As reflected through the diversity in their works, each artist owns a distinctive style and approach that is in no way restricted by the power of imagination.
Each back-end system provides a service for extracting the data it owns.
Each business service must have a well-documented and agreed-upon LOB that owns the business service.
Let's say you have five VCs (plus angels but let's ignore that for now) and each one owns 5% so you took 25% dilution to get the round done.
Did you know that the US Air Force owns over 22,000 command and control centers, and that more are created each year?
While in the physical organization structure implementation showed in Figure 4, each tenant owns a dedicated sub-tree in the LDAP server.
Each IDL file contains code only for the elements that the corresponding UML component owns.
每一个IDL文件包含专用于相应的UM L组件的特定代码。
Assign Ownership: Each link has a user who "owns" the link.
He owns 300 heifers and 350 ewes and breeds about 250 calves and 250 lambs to sell each year.
Two threads running this function will allocate 1 char [25] array each. But the thread is not the owner its rather the process that owns it.