Australopithecus was a group of early hominids that is reckoned to be the ancestral genus of Homo, to which modern man belongs.
"Sometimes one sees writers just standing before it, like early hominids in front of a monolith," said Nick Denton, Gawker Media's founder.
These early hominids were likely "ancient pioneers", as they appear to be among the first to leave Africa to colonize other parts of the world.
It was reported that truncated mutations in this gene can cause primary microcephaly in humans with a brain size comparable with that of early hominids.
"Somewhat ironically, this then raises the question of whether modern human chewing damage is actually the best analog for these early hominids," Egeland added.
"Sometimes one sees writers just standing before it, like early hominids in front of a monolith," said Nick Denton, Gawker Media's founder. Mr. Denton said not all writers have warmed to the concept.
We are, of course, related to early primates too, not only the much 'younger' hominids found in Africa.
The fossil hominids were diagnosed as early Homo sapiens, with a cultural age of Middle Paleolithic, and geologic age of early Late Pleistocen.
The fossil hominids were diagnosed as early Homo sapiens, with a cultural age of Middle Paleolithic, and geologic age of early Late Pleistocen.