AEA: average interest return on earning assets less average rate of borrowing costs.
This is also true even for the healthiest banks, with financial institutions shifting away from loans to other earning assets.
As a result, both individuals and corporations tended to convert that portion of their demand deposits that they did not need for working balance purposes into earning assets.
Blackstone will start earning a management fee on those assets later this year.
The Japanese are notorious savers; of the $15 trillion in household financial assets, slightly more than half is tucked away in bank deposits earning almost no interest.
As I reported in August, the income and assets of the top 5% -- those households earning $210, 000 or more annually -- have risen even as earnings of the bottom 95% have stagnated.
The offshore-banking business of UBS gathered some $20 billion in assets from at least 20, 000 American clients, earning the bank some $200m a year, according to prosecutors.
My definition is assets used up in the process of earning revenues.
When we purchased See's in 1972, it will be recalled, it was earning about $2 million on $8 million of net tangible assets.
The paper focus on the companies using the returns of the long-term assets impairment to manage the earning.
The article introduces three assets evaluation methods on Eucalyptus forest: replacement cost method, present earning value method and market-based forest value method.
We find that the proportion of development expenditures to total assets can well explain both the abnormal return and the earning quality.
The financial ability includes the ability of assets operation, the ability of paying liabilities off, the ability of earning profits and cashflow.
The definition mentions the assets and earning capacity of an organization.
Capitalized earning method is one of the popular methods in assets valuation.
However, risks do not only strike at assets directly and for this reason the definition also mentions the earning capacity of an enterprise.
Single-variable test shows that excess earning of stock price has a high positive correlation with return ratio on net assets, but a weak correlation with audit opinion type.
An analysis is made on the impact of seasoned new issue upon such financial indicators as net asset per share, earning as per share, yield rate of net assets, etc.
Not only long-term assets impairment has been the earning management tools in loss listed companies, but also short-term assets impairment;
It must greatly influence the provision and reversal of assets impairment of listed companies and also lead an influence to the relevant behaviors of earning management.
When company's assets earning ratio is higher than the debt capital cost proper to increase in debt to raise its business performance;
Second, the net assets per share also has strong reaction to the market, but the reaction is slightly lower than earning forecasts'.
We could define risk management as "the identification, analysis and economic control of those risks which can threaten the assets or earning capacity of an enterprise."
We could define risk management as "the identification, analysis and economic control of those risks which can threaten the assets or earning capacity of an enterprise."