And the same thing was happening throughout Eastern Europe and the countries of the former Soviet Union, where migration of workers is just as much of a phenomenon today as it was in 2002.
In a time when the Soviet Union prevented the distribution of journals like Science and Nature in the USSR and much of Eastern Europe, researchers relied on Current Contents as well as The Scientist.
The Soviet Union did all those things, and more, in eastern Europe.
The Soviet Union consolidated its hold on Eastern Europe and sought to expand its influence elsewhere in the world.
The biggest success stories in the Index of Economic Freedom continue to be the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
Some 40 million people were pulled out of poverty in the years from 1998 to 2003, says the report, titled Growth, poverty and Inequality in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.
Along with the upheaval of Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Cold War ended with the failure of the Heartland, but the geopolitical law went on.
When the Iron Curtain lifted, we expanded our alliance to include the nations of Central and Eastern Europe, and built new bridges to Russia and the former states of the Soviet Union.
When the Iron Curtain lifted, we expanded our alliance to include the nations of Central and Eastern Europe, and built new bridges to Russia and the former states of the Soviet Union.