The credit and economic cycles have come apart.
The stock market and the macroeconomic, economic cycles are closely related.
Although imperfect, these central bank actions have been helpful in moderating the severity of economic cycles over time.
In other words, workers used to believe that certain kinds of jobs were immune to the ups and downs of economic cycles.
The group "s over-dependence on sales of PCs and related gear has left it more exposed than rivals to economic cycles."
In the 1980s, the perfect fusion of financial markets and endogenous growth model enrich the theory of economic cycles.
The occupational outlook is closely tied to national economic cycles, but is expected to be stable in the coming decade.
Economic cycles as they are, there will always be needs to be met and there will always be an excuse to exclude the arts.
Through experiment, we get the economic cycles of the sample size for the research of the cyclic variations of CNG engine.
The pattern of economic cycles in China is not yet that stable, so it's not appropriate to say that we have entered a certain period.
We hope the next round of world economic growth will be led by green recovery instead of being a simple repeat of the previous economic cycles.
The Coincidence Indicator both reflects the current status of the economy and offers a historical perspective into the country's economic cycles.
Ongoing competition in the global marketplace through successive economic cycles has forced organisations to focus continuously on business optimisation.
Most of the percentages of provisions for loan losses show no economic cycles, comparatively less provisions may be set aside on the economic cycles peak;
But more significant is the decline in the death rate, or deaths spread across miles of driving — long division that helps smooth out effects of economic cycles.
Not investors, who have failed to push up share prices in the way this sort of earnings growth would have caused them to do at this stage of previous economic cycles.
This paper presents the whole process of developing the macro-economic cycles analysis and warning system of Hebei province, including theory of economic cycles analysis.
We live in a credit driven society, and to survive the pitfalls of revolving credit and economic cycles you need to create an attainable budget and follow through with your fiscal plans.
Fluctuations in economic cycles, social force majeure, poor bank management, consumer financial mismanagement, and malicious fraud, and so on, are all implied major risks for consumer credit.
As evidenced from the unemployment curve in the last economic cycle, these business cycles can often last 4-5 years.
上一轮经济周期的失业率曲线证明这样的商业周期通常能持续4 - 5年。
The National Bureau of Economic Research, arbiter of American business cycles, determined that America’s economy has been in recession since December 2007.
国家经济研究局(The NationalBureauof EconomicResearch 以下称NBER),美国的权威经济周期公断机构,断定自从上一年12月开始美国已经进入了经济衰退。
At the margin, the property cycles might lead to the construction of better buildings, but such modest benefits are outweighed by the accompanying financial and economic instability.
Business cycles are not merely fluctuations in aggregate economic activity.
Institutions are time bound, while institutional changes are not consecutive. Cycles of high efficiency and low efficiency of a country's institutional structure induce waves of its economic growth.
The basic trends in the different periods of economic growth provide a framework and fundamental reasons for the evolution of the Japanese business cycles.
Their funereal function is also drawn upon to signify the social and economic demise that these cycles of global capitalism incur upon established traditions.
Various economic schools have given their reasons why business cycles appear from many aspects, which include inner and outer causes, aggregate supply and demand etc.
Various economic schools have given their reasons why business cycles appear from many aspects, which include inner and outer causes, aggregate supply and demand etc.