It is still in most cases closely correlated with educational attainment and career expectations.
What is your highest educational attainment?
Please state your highest educational attainment.
And people with educational attainment beyond high school.
There was improvement in the educational attainment of the population.
Educational attainment, which includes access to all levels of education.
Heckman points out that big gaps in educational attainment are present at age 5.
Of the top 10 states in college educational attainment, nine are in the top 12 in per capita income.
Pew said women surpassed men in educational attainment in 1992, and the gap has continued to grow.
Median hourly wage varied substantially across employees with different levels of educational attainment.
Instead, Americans must realize that expanding educational attainment everywhere is the best way to grow the pie for all.
"For nursing, this could mean a collective improvement in professional and educational attainment globally," says Gyurko.
The results showed that people with lower educational attainment had shorter telomeres, indicating that they may age faster.
Their votes will matter less in the future, as their educational attainment rises and their share of the electorate continues to fall.
Americans once led the world in educational attainment, but this is now barely rising while other countries have caught up (see article).
This paper calculates the Theil coefficients on national and provincial levels to measure the differences in educational attainment.
A previous study of mental disorders and educational attainment did find a significant role for alcohol abuse in limiting college careers.
They then collected data on the volunteers' educational attainment and asked them to identify facial expressions in a series of photographs.
There may be valuable forms of educational attainment contained in all of these solutions, but they have little to do with real achievement, much less fulfillment.
Socioeconomic status exerts a significant influence on many aspects of an individual's life including health status, educational attainment, and future employment.
Yet for all the official talk at home about ever-improving exam results, Britain is beginning to slide down the international league table of educational attainment.
"Increasing the educational attainment of men without a college degree will increase their average earnings and their likelihood of being employed, " the authors write.
Love boyfriend with lower educational attainment, his family was poor, and even just friends with her qualifications are almost gone, let alone couples men and women do!
Human capital is more of a challenge. Americans once led the world in educational attainment, but this is now barely rising while other countries have caught up (see article).
The Georgetown researchers note, "People with lower educational attainment can often make more than those with higher attainment as a result of occupational differences."
Whatever the exact Numbers, Census Bureau researchers have detailed a connection between women's educational attainment and declines in traditional stay-at-home parenting.
Library visits are highest among: the working poor; people of mixed race; 14-18, 35-44, and 65-74 year olds; women; and people with educational attainment beyond high school.
其中访问图书馆次数最多的人是:穷忙族(the workingpoor);混血人群;14- 18岁,35 - 44岁,和65 - 74岁的人;妇女;以及教育水平在高中以上的人群。
Library visits are highest among: the working poor; people of mixed race; 14-18, 35-44, and 65-74 year olds; women; and people with educational attainment beyond high school.
其中访问图书馆次数最多的人是:穷忙族(the workingpoor);混血人群;14- 18岁,35 - 44岁,和65 - 74岁的人;妇女;以及教育水平在高中以上的人群。