I'll get your bags, "Edward said with a fake smile."
In 1970, two years before his death, Edward said.
Edward said he was making a new kite at that time.
'My brother', Edward said later, 'pushed me away like a dog.
Edward said: "we need the help of Raymond King's power, he has a gram."
"Rescuing are still under way now to find the trapped workers," Edward said.
Orientalism, written by Edward Said, is the first work on postcolonial theory.
Rescuers and police were handing in hand to find the victims of the methane blast, head of provincial Disaster management Agency Ade Edward said.
Chapter One introduces Edward Said and his Orientalism and gives a brief account of the history of Chinese American immigrants and of how their stereotypes were formed historically.
This is what the author has learned from the "contrapuntal reading" method advocated by Edward Said and the "symptomatic reading" instead of "sympathetic reading" preferred by Louis Althusser.
"Sorry Edward," I said, splattering the cloth with jam.
Edward Tudor said, "Thou lookest tired and hungry: thou'st been treated ill."
Keith Moore, Head of the Royal Society Library and Archives, said: "Sir John Vane's papers will now join Edward Stone's in the archive of the Royal Society."
The vice chancellor of UEA, Professor Edward Acton, said this was "not a demotion but a shift in emphasis of role" for Phil Jones.
Edward Curtain, operator of the recovery center, said in almost all sports, the key to success is to develop power and speed.
Professor Edward Baranowski of California State University said that the results reflected the " horrific" drop-out rates of US high schools.
"What a pity it is, Elinor, " said Marianne, "that Edward should have no taste for drawing.
When Ingrid appeared, Marta turned to Edward. “Go to her, ” she said.
It was difficult to believe that I hadn't just imagined what Edward had said, and the way his eyes had looked.
The dog was a gift from close family friend Senator Edward Kennedy. He said the breed would be a " perfect fit for the Obama family", as the dogs have a " can-do and hopeful spirit".
Legendary East said in August its first film, "the Great Wall," will be directed by Edward Zwick and look at how the Great Wall of China came to be built.
Edward Lyman, a nuclear expert at the Union of Concerned Scientists, said that the additional deaths would be indistinguishable from cancers resulting from other causes.
忧思科学家联盟的核专家Edward Lyman说,这些额外癌症死亡和那些其它原因造成的癌症是无法区别开来的。
That's because the human brain can make intuitive leaps of logic, said Edward Grant, Director of the Center for Robotics and Intelligent Machines at North Carolina State University.
Defense lawyer Edward MacMahon said he believed his client yearned for martyrdom.
辩护律师Edward MacMahon说,他相信他的当事人渴望成为烈士。
"We must finish the job we started to sustain the gains achieved so far," said Dr Edward Hoekstra, UNICEF Senior Health Specialist.
“我们必须完成业已启动的工作,保持迄今取得的成果,”儿童基金会资深卫生专家Edward Hoekstra博士说。
He scrawled a note that said, "This is outrageous, " and directed Assistant Secretary Edward Djerejian to have the U.S. ambassador in Kuwait "pass on the fact that I am still steaming."
Edward Pelz, 80, said he believes that angels are guiding him, even though it's impossible to explain to anyone else.
80岁的Edward Pelz说他相信天使一直在指引他,虽然无法对旁人解释清楚。
Edward Pelz, 80, said he believes that angels are guiding him, even though it's impossible to explain to anyone else.
80岁的Edward Pelz说他相信天使一直在指引他,虽然无法对旁人解释清楚。