We do not use electric shock therapy for treating addiction in the us, it is mainly used to treat depression with good results.
Asked whether electric shock therapy would be used, the employee said it should be called "pulse therapy" and was only used in special circumstances.
For years, a treatment called electroconvulsive therapy (ect) also known as "electric shock treatment" has been used to induce seizures in anesthetized patients for therapeutic results.
A notice on the health ministry's website said that the safety of the electric shock technology was not clear, so use of the therapy should be stopped.
George McGovern's already troubled campaign in 1972 imploded when it turned out that his first choice for VP, Thomas Eagleton, had been given electric-shock therapy.
Shock therapy: Method of treating psychiatric disorders by inducing shock through drugs or electric current.
Shock therapy: Method of treating psychiatric disorders by inducing shock through drugs or electric current.