Radiowaves are electromagnetic radiation that we can't see.
What we are seeing from earth is actually electromagnetic radiation that's coming from stars.
Neutrinos can thus escape from regions of space where light and other kinds of electromagnetic radiation are blocked by matter.
Improve your sleep and health by reducing your exposure to harmful electromagnetic radiation.
Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation that is very similar to sunlight and radio waves.
Because these different forms of electromagnetic radiation - on this "simplistic" level - are fundamentally so similar, they are today commonly viewed as composing a single spectrum.
The M3, an imaging spectrometer, was designed to search for water by detecting the electromagnetic radiation given off by different minerals on and just below the surface of the Moon.
The material's internal structure absorbs almost all the electromagnetic radiation in a particular range, New Scientist reports.
In quantum cryptography, as in most long-distance data transmission, the information is carried by photons, the particles which compose light and other sorts of electromagnetic radiation.
That is because light is a form of electromagnetic radiation—in other words, a wave in which electric and magnetic fields continuously leapfrog each other.
All of that is electromagnetic radiation.
Electrons that were deprived of their energy in favour of electromagnetic radiation go back to the resonators and get inhibited there.
We radiate electromagnetic radiation in the infrared part of the spectrum.
The atoms do not release the energy as kinetic energy but release it in the form of large amounts of electromagnetic radiation.
Aptly, succour came thanks to a device that testifies as well as anything to man's ability to harness electromagnetic radiation: the mobile phone.
Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation.
And your body is radiating electromagnetic radiation.
The wire on many headsets can act as an antenna, which can deliver a dose of electromagnetic radiation to your head.
After that, they should encourage them to text rather than to make calls, as texting exposes their brains to lower levels of electromagnetic radiation.
With electromagnetic radiation, charges are vibrating.
The nuclear energy is released at the Sun’s center as high-energy gamma radiation, a form of electromagnetic radiation like light and radio waves, only of very much shorter wavelength.
核能在太阳的核心被释放为高能的伽马射线。 这是一种电磁射线,就象光波和无线电波一样,只是波长要短得多。
I can ask myself now the question, how far does electromagnetic radiation, how far does light travel in the time of one period capital t?
Physical objects, when struck by light (the visible kind, see electromagnetic radiation), will reflect back certain wavelengths of light to your eyes.
The intense burst of electromagnetic radiation momentarily overwhelmed pixels in SDO's detectors causing the bright vertical blemish.
Positron and electron (particle and anti-particle) can annihilate in collision turning into electromagnetic radiation.
It’s a non-ionizing type of electromagnetic radiation, as opposed to the ionizing radiation used in radiation therapy, for example.
The report, entitled "Trees are effected by electromagnetic radiation," was first commissioned by the town of Alphen aan den Rijn in the western part of the Netherlands.
这份报告的标题是“树木受到电磁辐射影响”,该研究最初是受荷兰西部小镇莱茵河畔阿尔芬(Alphen aandenRijn)委托而展开的。
"Every millimeter counts," said Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave news, an online newsletter covering health and safety issues related to exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
Electromagnetic radiation is another common dataset (for example, near-infrared radiation or visible light).
Electromagnetic radiation is another common dataset (for example, near-infrared radiation or visible light).