Despite keynotes by the likes of Ivar Jacobson, who noted how many agile principles were around long before XP emerged, it seemed to me that the community was making little headway.
Suddenly a man of lofty stature emerged vivaciously from the crowd, seized the woman by her satin bodice, which was covered with mud, and said to her, "Follow me!"
Two other poses were tried and I emerged from the booth to find photos of me as indiana Jones a fireman from backdraft and a wrestler being strangled in a headlock.
For me, at least, the closet emerged as another strange edifice, another harsh, warped, and dichotomous lens through which to understand myself.
Two other poses were tried and I emerged from the booth to find photos of me as Indiana Jones, a fireman from Backdraft and a wrestler being strangled in a headlock.
A bulbous snout emerged next to me.
Then the young man emerged to breathe, and roared, 'Old guy, did you want to drown me?
约莫过了一分钟,智者才把手松开。年轻人立即跳出水面,深深的吸了一口气, “老家伙,你想淹死我呀?”
Just then, Einstein emerged from the swimming pool and said, "You told me, it's more comfortable to peel Onions in water;".
Just then, Einstein emerged from the swimming pool and said, "You told me, it's more comfortable to peel Onions in water;".