One area is enabling technologies.
Enabling technologies - including tools and infrastructure.
So what technologies make up the existing set of enabling technologies? Let's take a peek.
I have listed the enabling technologies needed to implement a service-oriented architecture.
The growth of the mobile computing market will be enhanced by a wide range of enabling technologies.
These enabling technologies collectively reflect on the set of web services technologies offered by IBM.
As one of the newly-emerged enabling technologies, wafer direct bonding has been playing key roles in more and more fields.
Though not exclusively an environment for developers, Workplace does offer a host of enabling technologies that assist distributed teams of all types.
Web services is a set of enabling technologies for SOA, and SOA is becoming the architecture of choice for development of responsive, adaptive new applications.
Web服务是一些实现SOA的技术,而 SOA正在成为开发响应性好、可适应的新型应用程序所选择的体系结构。
You'll also look at enabling technologies, tools, and techniques used and learn about tangible business results achieved by each, best practices, and lessons learned.
This article gives a comprehensive review of the enabling technologies, characteristics, the state -of - the - art of the development and the prospect of OTDM system.
At last, several key enabling technologies, namely product data management, case based design, design for cost, virtual design and collaborative design are discussed in detail.
In the traditional value chain prior to the availability of OER and its enabling technologies, educational materials were typically textbooks and other professionally published resources.
Enabling technologies like Alfresco, Sharepoint, or my favorite, TWiki, are powerful, but they have a fairly high learning curve — or worse, store the documents in a proprietary format.
What, then, is the most abundant feedstock for making ethanol which does not wreak havoc on food supplies, is environmentally friendly, economic and has all the enabling technologies in place?
Learn about obstacles the authors had to overcome for each of these applications, and get an architectural overview of the resulting solution and the enabling technologies, tools, and techniques used.
Pachube and MQTT are enabling technologies for the Internet of Things, and are expected to be serious players in the interconnected, instrumented world envisioned by the IBM Smarter Planet initiative.
Even utility companies, which have long viewed batteries and alternative forms of energy as a threat, are learning to embrace the technologies as enabling rather than disrupting.
OER complement enabling infrastructure technologies to create new opportunities for innovation.
MDD leads to a maintainable architecture where changes are made rapidly and consistently, enabling more efficient migration of components onto new technologies.
It would be spent on cutting emissions by providing green technologies, and on enabling countries to adapt to more frequent fierce storms and rising sea levels.
According to NASA, the concepts must incorporate technologies enabling large, twin-aisle passenger aircraft to achieve ambitious environmental goals.
The PaaS framework, in particular, was introduced, and you learned about the requirements, architecture patterns, and implementation technologies for enabling cloud computing into industry solutions.
Clay Shirky believes that new technologies enabling loose -collaboration - and taking advantage of "spare" brainpower - will change the way society works.
The Aries project is currently in the Apache Incubator but has the goal of enabling the development of applications that use OSGi technologies to build modular applications.
To be clear, enabling that integration from web technologies is at the heart of AIR, and required a substantial development effort.
更明确地说,为web技术添加这样的集成是AIR 的核心所在,它需要大量的开发努力。
It is also a collective term for financial cryptography and technologies enabling it.
The main aspects of how to improve the enterprise external agility are studied seriously in the manner of enabling technology, and then some concrete methods and technologies are proposed.
Technologies prevalent in the consumer space are being adopted for the automotive environment and are enabling engineers and designers greater freedom in design of the console.
Technologies prevalent in the consumer space are being adopted for the automotive environment and are enabling engineers and designers greater freedom in design of the console.