As enamored as advertisers are with the interactive potential of digital advertising, they know that online is a complement to offline, not its replacement.
For those less interested in a particular conceptual theme but enamored with a specific color (and the mood it creates) this series of brightly colored hotel rooms might be just the thing.
Can a company so enamored with the power of algorithms and machine learning, let the user take control?
And I think the Defense Department was enamored with what they felt they’d accomplished in Afghanistan with a very small force of basically special-ops guys and the air force.
There were a few years there when I was just so enamored with the idea of living some sort of famous person's lifestyle that really isn't suited to me.
I had never done a juice fast before, but last weekend I talked to someone else who had done one, and I became enamored of the idea.
If you work with Drupal even for a short time, you'll quickly be enamored.
Web developers have been enamored of the relational database (RDBMS) for a very long time.
Ron Jeffries shared that he likes to see stories sized such that a pair of programmers can complete two or three stories in a week. He was less enamored with the concept of points
RonJeffries 觉得,他希望看到一对程序员能够在一周内完成两到三个故事,这样的故事大小才是合适的。
Too often, he wrote, Americans have been enamored of "a nerdy-sounding priesthood, using esoteric terms such as beta, gamma, sigma and the like."
A lot of people are very enamored with object pooling, yet half the time people are not measuring to that to find out whether object pooling is any good.
Interestingly enough, consumers are less enamored with dieting than ever - rather, there's been a shift in focus, wherein people are focused on their health.
She quickly became enamored with folk performers like the Weavers, and was soon performing with Pete Seeger, a founding member of the Weavers who lived in the same building as the Travers family.
When Ben was a preschooler, he was enamored with Lego blocks and other construction materials.
Throughout the interview, not a single moment was past without we being enamored of his sincere smiling face.
Cea always adhering to the "customer-focused, enamored with service" service concept, devoted to building a "staff love, customer first, shareholders satisfied, social trust" outstanding airlines.
I'm trying to figure out why GM's are still enamored with non-shooting PG's. It's been a while since one of them has had much success in the league.
I'm trying to figure out why GM's are still enamored with non-shooting PG's. It's been a while since one of them has had much success in the league.