As I said, I am not going to release individuals who endanger the American people.
These people not only endanger the animal world by killing but also endanger the human society by bringing in odd diseases.
After a weak deal in Copenhagen, Pachauri warned that allowing scepticism to delay international action on global warming would endanger the lives of the world's poorest people.
It may be not allowed by "masters" (the nation and people), if you misinterpret, violate, oppose or endanger it, or bring something from others to change or eliminate it.
Salt such soil of endanger is very severity, in pastly of very the long time, people at continuously investigate and practice improvement experience.
It continues to endanger the lives of people in Moscow and surrounding areas.
These problems seriously affect the quality and endanger the country and people and property.
Kind-hearted people can use it to the service of humanity, for the benefit of mankind, and the evil people but it can endanger the survival of humanity.
Residents continue to improve the health care system, a group of people of endanger the health of infectious diseases were controlled or eliminated, health services and support capability is improved.
I have the suspicion that if these people really enjoyed driving that they would be willing to take their time and not endanger themselves and others.
The phenomena of young people in social reality who ignore the life after another and ignore their own lives and endanger other people's lives are frequent.
The phenomena of young people in social reality who ignore the life after another and ignore their own lives and endanger other people's lives are frequent.