But Tehran insists the purpose of its nuclear enrichment program is to make energy.
Iran has been under increasing international pressure to stop its uranium enrichment program.
Previously, Washington had insisted that Teheran stop its uranium enrichment program as a precondition to face-to-face talks.
The United Nations Security Council has already passed three sets of sanctions against Iran for refusing to halt its enrichment program.
And Iran's foreign minister threatens to resume Teheran's uranium enrichment program if talks with European Nations in London fail.
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki rejected the sanctions and said Iran had no intention of suspending its enrichment program.
Until now, Washington had refused to meet face-to-face with Iran on the nuclear issue, unless it first stopped its uranium enrichment program.
"They can either face isolation or they can have better relations with all of us if the verifiably suspend their enrichment program, " added President Bush.
He added that Israeli intelligence had asked retired senior Dimona personnel to help on the Iranian issue, and that some apparently came from the enrichment program.
The European Union said on Monday that the aim of its latest sanctions was to get Iran to return to negotiations over its uranium enrichment program, possibly by the end of the year.
The major powers, offering incentives to Iran to end its uranium-enrichment program, have proposed further talks provided Tehran is ready to deal seriously on the nuclear issue.
One of the best cases for starting at birth comes from the Abecedarian Project, a 1970s enrichment program in North Carolina that enrolled 111 low-income, African-American infants.
Or an attacker might be able to install a Trojan horse program or unsolicited E-mail sending software, aim at financial enrichment or cause brand name damage by modifying company resources.
Iran's processing program would likely need reconfiguring first, prompting speculation the announcement may have more to do with nuclear negotiations with the West than imminent enrichment.
Thus to even speak of the Iranian program as having been stopped while enrichment continues is absurd.
Iran has said it intends to go forward with nuclear research and uranium enrichment for a civilian energy program.
Or an attacker might be able to install a Trojan horse program or unsolicited email sending software, aim at financial enrichment or cause brand name damage by modifying company resources.
USEC depends upon the Russian uranium to fund its future enrichment facility program.
Russia is again urging Iran to stop uranium enrichment to end the international standoff over its nuclear program.
This custom has now given way to parental contributions of money, food, or candy for the enhancement and enrichment of the basic classroom program.
This custom has now given way to parental contributions of money, food, or candy for the enhancement and enrichment of the basic classroom program.