Digital Times aims at providing young and fashionable urban population with digital consumption and entertainment information.
The modern communication industry influences the way people live in society and broadens their horizons by allowing access to information, education and entertainment.
Entertainment and information (especially when it's accurate) aren't bad things, but with the Web, we could go for quite a long time without ever having to directly interact with another human being.
What happens when people become trained to think of information and entertainment as something they receive and not something they create?
From communications to entertainment, Apple products have profoundly changed the way people around the world obtain information and use technology.
Is the information for entertainment?
During those years, it has been controlled, for the most part, by the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS, who have been the major purveyors of news, information, and entertainment.
The line between information and entertainment has never been as sharp as some intellectuals imagine, and it is becoming increasingly blurred.
English is increasingly the language of international entertainment as well as technology, especially information technology, for 75% of all Internet websites are in English.
Whether in print or digital format, books are a precious resource, providing us with information, entertainment, opinions, ideas, and a window on lives far different from our own.
IBM provides technology which enables personalization and consolidation of services so that televisions can become a center for entertainment, information, and communication at home.
Apple is offering users not just cool gadgets but also the software that glues together their digital lives - computing, online information gathering and entertainment.
The network's content includes news, entertainment, business, and health channels, as well as local neighborhood information.
Trading stocks and accessing financial information, as well as searching for movie information and accessing entertainment news were also among the top activities in the news and information category.
The expansion was led by entertainment, agriculture, mining, information and accommodations.
Information and entertainment is replacing the smokestack industry as the new major methods of creating wealth in the economy.
Besides keeping an eye on what is going on, this centre will provide support, information and entertainment to drivers.
A Brash Entertainment representative confirmed the above details, but could offer no additional information on the project.
A great thing even in the small town there was pretty good distribution, so I could able to get any information about entertainment from magazines or TV shows.
The most rapid growth is in the area of information and entertainment systems, sales of which will increase by 10% a year over the next decade, according to Roland Berger, a consultancy.
Yet the internet offers so many specialised sources of information and entertainment that readers can pick exactly what they want from different websites.
Video is often thought of as an entertainment medium, but it is also a very important source of high-quality information.
Living in China provides fresh and extensive information to foreigners and white collars with shopping, entertainment and travelling tips in China.
Other widgets like News and Entertainment listings will also be convenient ways to get bite-sized information without having to pull out the computer.
It's important to note that Blizzard Entertainment does not share any personal information with Facebook as part of this process.
Sony admitted this week that hackers had stolen personal information, possibly including credit-card details, of many of the 77m-plus users of its online-gaming and entertainment networks.
Sony admitted this week that hackers had stolen personal information, possibly including credit-card details, of many of the 77m-plus users of its online-gaming and entertainment networks.