Why is Entity Framework losing my indexes?
What does mapping mean in entity framework?
Entity Framework 6 - how to convert this line to async?
You can also use stored procedures with Entity Framework.
Validate model and mappings using Entity Framework runtime.
使用Entity Framework运行时验证,映射模型。
Entity framework raw SQL - string date format isn't correct?
Entity Framework: Should I close the connection if I open it?
Typed Datasets or Entity Framework for an online game server?
How do I make a self reference in Entity Framework Code First?
The entity framework offers an explicit loading model by default.
Describes how to design and create an Entity Framework application.
Code-first: You start with code, and Entity Framework generates the database.
The Entity Framework has seen many updates since the June 2007 CTP, including.
Entity Framework自2007年6月发布以来已经有了很多更新,包括。
Should I rip out the Association Fixup code from my Entity Framework T4 Template?
Database-first: You start with a database, and Entity Framework generates the code.
Links to topics that describe how to use stored procedures with the Entity Framework.
The School model is used throughout the Entity Framework getting started documentation.
How to avoid migrations in model first database with Entity Framework 5 and code first entities?
Contains sample applications demonstrating the features and functionality of the Entity Framework.
Model-first : You start with a visual model, and Entity Framework generates both the database and code.
For more information on ADO.NET and Entity Framework information, please check out the ADO.NET Team Blog.
Contains conceptual topics, how-to's and tutorials that demonstrate the capabilities of the Entity Framework.
ADO.NET Entity Framework, a higher-level abstraction than LINQ to SQL, is being released with this service pack.
比LINQ toSQL更高层次抽象的ADO.NET实体框架将在这个Service pack中发布。
This quickstart illustrates a series of tasks that support the topics in Getting Started with the Entity Framework.
There is no way the ADO.NET Team can do what is right for LINQ to SQL given their obvious bias to the Entity Framework.
这别无选择,鉴于LINQ ToSQL已经明显偏向于实体框架,只有ado.net团队能够为他找到正确的方向。
How can I use Entity Framework to use an existing database, and how can I use migrations to switch between DB versions?
Entity Framework won't define its own unique representation for the set of changes represented in an N-Tier application.
对于N层应用程序中所描述的更改集合,Entity Framework并无定义自己独特的表示法。
In the Entity Framework Design blog, three developers at Microsoft walk through some of the popular database access methods.
在Entity Framework设计博客上,微软的三位开发人员概括了一些流行的数据库访问方法。
Developers have to build their own ORM on top of Entity Framework if they actually want to manipulate data outside a context.
开发人员不得不在Entity Framework之上建立自己的or m,如果他们确实要在上下文外部操作数据的话。