This pandemic is now under control, but, in 1991 epidemic cholera appeared in South America.
In January 1991, epidemic cholera appeared in South America and quickly spread to several countries.
Others include new forms of epidemic cholera and meningitis, Hanta virus, Hendra virus, Nipah virus, and H5N1 avian influenza.
The World Health Organization says a cholera epidemic in Peru could spread throughout Latin America.
The cholera epidemic appears to be coming to an end but efforts still need to be maintained, especially in the few districts that continue to report cholera cases.
No public sanitation existed, so the neighborhood was hit especially hard by the recent cholera epidemic.
In 1994, some 50 000 people died from a combined epidemic of cholera and dysentery linked to the Rwandan exodus into Goma, the main town of North Kivu.
Zimbabwe declared a state of emergency today as a cholera epidemic, caused by the collapse of sewerage and water supply systems, spread throughout the country.
A cholera epidemic makes that all the more vital.
The results were sporadic outbreaks of cholera and yellow fever, the worst of which was the yellow fever epidemic of 1853, accounting for more than 8, 000 deaths.
With a cholera epidemic raging, and more than 1m earthquake survivors still living in tents, there were fears that turnout would be low.
Said Stocking during a recent visit to Zimbabwe: "we have to expect a cholera epidemic and outbreak to happen again at the end of this year given that the water and sewage system is not working well."
I was teaching in the Middle East when I succumbed to cholera at the end of a city-wide epidemic.
In 1854 , a localized epidemic of Asiatic cholera broke out in London.
In 1854, a localized epidemic of Asiatic cholera broke out in London.
Objective: To investigate on the origin of El tor Vibrio cholera in one city, as well as the relationship among the epidemic strains.
A cholera pandemic is a cholera epidemic that can last many years or even a few decades at a time, and that spreads to many countries and across continents and oceans.
The story is about a man named Mary, the little girl, parents in the cholera epidemic had died, she was sent to the British club house.
Objective To study the epidemic isolates and antibiotic resistance of Vibrio cholera in Maoming Area, and provide the references for prevention and control of cholera.
World Health Organization officials say Somalia is facing "the huge threat" of a cholera epidemic, and that efforts to contain and control the disease must be intensified.
世界卫生组织官员表示,非洲国家索马里目前面临着霍乱疫情爆发的“巨大威胁”。 世卫组织官员进一步表示,目前必须要加大控制疫情的力度。
From malaria to cholera, influenza a H1N1 from SARS to avian flu, the arrival of each epidemic are so unprepared humanity.
从疟疾到霍乱,从非典到甲型h1n 1流感,每次流行病的到来都让人类措手不及。
Objective To explore the epidemic characteristics of cholera O139, and provide basis for setting up preventive measures.
目的探讨o 139霍乱流行特征,为制定预防控制措施提供依据。
But the earthquake has made Haiti even more vulnerable: witness the escalating cholera epidemic that in the past few weeks has claimed more than 1,100 lives.
The village is suffering from a cholera epidemic.
The village is suffering from a cholera epidemic.