In addition, all 5 map campaigns are now equal in value and worth a total of 2800 points (Valve maps only).
This assumption is that the assets of an enterprise are exactly equal in value to the claims against these assets.
Such valuations are based on the improbable projections that all of the company's non-tradable shares still held by the state parent are equal in value to the traded shares.
As in any significant undertaking, there are many options that might appear to have equal merit in terms of value to the organization.
How many monthly bills are you committed to? Are there any that are truly bringing equal value to your everyday life in exchange for how much you are paying?
Are there any that are truly bringing equal value to your everyday life in exchange for how much you are paying?
In a symmetrical distribution, values are equally likely to fall above the mean as below it, and the most likely value, the mode, is equal to the mean.
In the builder, you would first create a new XMLMarkup object with the value for "indent" equal to zero and use this object for building the XML.
在生成器中,你首先要创建一个XMLMarkup对象,将其“indent”属性赋值为0,然后可以开始使用这个对象来构建X ML了。
Be sure that you select the Equal Verification Point on the second call and remove the value (because the reference value passed in for the request should be spelled correctly).
Notice how much this code reads like English: "this should test that in the following scenario", "this value must equal that value", and so forth.
注意这段代码和英语语法的相似性:“thisshouldtestthatinthefollowingscenario(这应该在以下场景中测试它)”,“thisvaluemust equal that value(这个值必须等于那个值)”,等等。
Use the single equal sign to assign a value to a variable, unlike the double equal sign (==), as in the previous condition, which compare the values.
使用单等于号来向变量赋值,而不是像在前一个条件中那样使用双等于号 (==) 来比较值。
American lives -regardless of Numbers -must be placed in terms of value and worth on equal footing with those of all humans regardless of colour, ethnicity, nationality, or creed.
American lives - regardless of Numbers - must be placed in terms of value and worth on equal footing with those of all humans regardless of colour, ethnicity, nationality, or creed.
In this century, our world has the opportunity to fulfill the great human promise that all lives have equal value.
The currency of a surplus country will, all things being equal, rise in value, while that of a deficit country will sink.
The equal sign and the expression giving the initial value are in fact optional in a variable declaration.
In the case where Cubans exchange homes of equal value in a barter agreement, each side will pay 4% of the value of their home.
Often used in capital budgeting, IRR is the interest rate that makes net present value of all cash flow equal zero.
Obviously, you'd wonder why the iPhone wouldn't measure signal in a more linear fashion, where the decibel value for each bar is equal.
Here, XMLExists determines if the "CustomerID" value in one target source is equal to a value derived from another target source.
这里,XMLExists决定在一个目标源中的“CustomerID ”值是否等于来自另一个目标源的值。
Time to treat people is equal, and time in every man's hand value is different.
In this way, the front and rear of the buildings are of equal value, and attractive vistas are created between the houses and the urban landscape.
The problem with trading McGrady is the unlikelihood of getting equal value in return.
Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.
So, also, do businesses having equal financial input end up with wide variations in value.
The purpose and essence of the equal-value is to confine the scope of punishment to offense of non-typical omission by the equal-value of objective act and omission in normalization.
The thought value of the equal culture lay in pursuing a harmonious and balanced society.
The thought value of the equal culture lay in pursuing a harmonious and balanced society.