According to the features of water cycle in protective forest ecosystem in loess area, the equation of water balance for the protective forestry ecosystem was put forward.
A study on marsh wetland through their own hydrographic characteristics and water balance equation, the affecting factor on the changes of marsh wetland are analyzed in detail in the Sanjiang Plain.
How to calculate the water invasion rate correctly while we study the performance and calculate the dynamic reserves of the gas reservoir with material balance equation is still a difficulty for long.
This article is based on the material balance equation and the no fixed water inroad equation, educe the equation of the no water recovery and the water coming time.
In soil-plant-atmosphere system, soil available water content, crop water consumption, and effective precipitation are the main factors in water balance equation of farmland.
Water balance elements of urban hydrological cycle have been measured and investigated, then checked by means of water balance equation in urban areas.
The explicit volume balance model was modified and combined with the motion equation of the zero inertia to predict water advance in border irrigation.
Analyzing the heat balance of the water-heating process of solar cookers, this paper presents the differential equation of the energy transfer during the transient working condition of solar cookers.
Analyzing the heat balance of the water-heating process of solar cookers, this paper presents the differential equation of the energy transfer during the transient working condition of solar cookers.