Such thoughts are not only erroneous and dangerous, they show a lack of wisdom.
As a result, many erroneous and sweeping generalizations about Buddhism have been made, such as that it is' negative ', 'world -denying', 'pessimistic', and so forth.
A momentary hush; the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her, and there is a burst of chatter as the erroneous news goes around that she is Gilda Gray's understudy from the Follies.
I am aware there are more than a few, but if you were limited to discussing two, what would they be and how do we combat these erroneous thoughts?
In some cases, erroneous changes can result in a system outage costing an organization millions of dollars.
Furthermore, a process itself might detect erroneous situations that result in internal faults.
Never accuse a reviewer of dishonesty or exaggeration; erroneous claims are often the result of a misunderstanding, not maliciousness.
Unfortunately, if there's an error in the URL it will lead to the aggregator seeing a new item, and keeping the erroneous item as well.
There is an erroneous concept relevant, which says that peace of mind is sought and can be attained only by people who lead a completely spiritual life in ashrams or monasteries.
From a design perspective, some other choices are questionable; for example, the use of Strings to hold the operators opens up the possibility of small typos leading to erroneous results.
The Oxford English Dictionarystill says this is an erroneous use but Merriam-Webster accepts the false-singular as a word as early as 1926.
If you approach the past with pessimism, there is a possibility of making wrong decisions arriving at erroneous judgements.
Could you explain the logic upon which Brown's scenario about China's future food problems is based, and why his analysis, which you consider very erroneous, gained quite a number of followers?
Lalumiere and Earles say that, earlier, "we, like others, had presented a stereotypic but erroneous image of zoophilia".
The Federal Reserve is pursuing a policy of inflation out of an erroneous fear of deflation.
But correcting a weak or erroneous use case at test development time can be difficult and costly, especially when using a waterfall-based development method.
For example, the erroneous belief that you will automatically pass all of your college courses in a semester if your roommate kills himself is generally considered to be an urban legend.
When I am trying to find information on a topic that is really important, I use several simple tricks to ensure that I am not misled by a single erroneous publication.
For example, an erroneous reading will occur if a measurement is taken through a switch before the relay has had sufficient time to settle.
There may also be a possibility of payment deferral and the option of clawing payments back should decisions by bankers prove to have been excessively risky or erroneous.
MEMWATCH supports ANSI c, provides a log of the results, and detects double-frees, erroneous frees, unfreed memory, overflow and underflow, and so on.
MEMWATCH支持ANSIC,它提供结果日志纪录,能检测双重释放(double - free)、错误释放(erroneous free)、没有释放的内存(unfreed memory)、溢出和下溢等等。
The newspaper published a retraction of the erroneous report.
In current popular usage it often means merely a corpus of erroneous but widely held beliefs.
Prosecutors' courts must accept and hear a case if applicants can submit decision of not to prosecute or judgment of innocence for compensations for erroneous judicial torts.
Jianghao's tragedy tells us that the influence of parents' life concepts on their children is extremely huge; erroneous views, attitudes and practices are likely to destroy a child's life.
My actions have not only affected the school's repute, also such erroneous comment is a form of deprecating and offensive attitude towards the school.
My actions have not only affected the school's repute, also such erroneous comment is a form of deprecating and offensive attitude towards the school.