Tensions with the Commission and Eurogroup have since risen.
He has been allowed to listen in to part of one Eurogroup phone conference.
And yet he craves admission to the eurogroup-not as a participant, he says, but as an observer.
Those who like an exclusive Eurogroup fret that, once the Poles are in the room, it may be hard to get them out.
But there are no dates, not even for another emergency meeting of the Eurogroup which seems inevitable in the coming weeks.
To protect the Euro and prevent potentially catastrophic defaults, the Eurogroup will almost certainly issue further loans.
But there are no dates, not even for another emergency meeting of the eurogroup, which seems inevitable in the coming weeks.
The Eurogroup is due to sign off this increase on Tuesday but has been warned that overseas investors have no appetite for boosting its funds.
This week’s decision by the Eurogroup of euro-area finance ministers to nominate Vitor Constâncio as the next vice-president of the European Central Bank (ECB) certainly looks like a stitch-up.
本周欧元区的财长们决定提名维克多 康斯坦塞俄作为下一任欧洲央行(ECB)副行长,这一决定与之前的理论不谋而合。
This week’s decision by the Eurogroup of euro-area finance ministers to nominate Vitor Constâncio as the next vice-president of the European Central Bank (ECB) certainly looks like a stitch-up.
本周欧元区的财长们决定提名维克多 康斯坦塞俄作为下一任欧洲央行(ECB)副行长,这一决定与之前的理论不谋而合。