Seeking needs to be turned off, if even for a little while, so that the system does not run in an endless loop.
While higher education is clearly protective, even Nobel Laureates have been diagnosed with the disease, although it’s likely their education helped them stave off the symptoms for a little bit.
That's a little bit misleading, given the view I just sketched where even though I'm dead I still exist for a while as a corpse.
Let the mind rest for a little while. Life can certainly go on, even when this dialogue is silenced.
One physician may order a slew of tests, even for outwardly healthy patients, while another may do little more than tap on a knee and call it a day.
Everything goes with a prayer that hopefully the people who get these little things would be happy even only for a while.
This may require doing some breaststroke, or even treading water or floating for a little while.
Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
I have even operated one for a little while, and I know how much having the right look matters.
Some of the local art museums around here are free, so we check those out too... even if for just a little while.
Shark is the only fish in the sea that has no pneumatocyst, which means that it will swim to the bottom or even die if stopping swimming for a little while.
However, these studies are almost always for a single robot, while there is a little even no study of using two series robots on its work space and error compensation.
Whenever he thought of the moment when his son or his daughter born, he would always be so excited that even his pale, wrinkle cheer became red for a little while.
Whenever he thought of the moment when his son or his daughter born, he would always be so excited that even his pale, wrinkle cheer became red for a little while.