Even though I said that the redesign should "fix" the problems found in the first study, the truth is that you think that the new design overcomes the problems.
At the end of the line of traveling mourners, other drivers are more likely to "cut you off and go through (the procession) even though they can see it's a procession going through," she said.
Even though there was the dairy with 75 cows and 1400 acres to farm, as soon as my husband read the telegram, he sadly said, "Honey, get your bags packed while I make reservations for you."
"Both Hive and BigQuery are exciting because there's millions of people who know SQL, though even a friendlier syntax doesn't stop you from banging your head on the limitations of MapReduce," he said.
Of course it will bring me great pleasure to,the same brilliant moonlight a few more times even though I've said, “It doesn't matter at all if you see no moon.”
Hope you can understand me, even though I said nothing.
When you pick the restaurant you know your partner wants even though "I don't care, you pick" was said.
Furs , and spoke. "I can still see you, " he said. Even though I think I am awake.
I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here.
When I went back to my doctor to hear the results of my lab tests, I tried to keep a poker face even though I was scared to death. Then you guess what he said.
They often knew of the goals we had set for ourselves and never said "You can't do that" even though I am sure there were times when they may have thought that.
Of course it will bring me great pleasure to, the same brilliant moonlight a few more times even though I've said, "It doesn't matter at all if you see no moon."
Even though I don't pass it in the end, please don't lose your heart, you can do any work just except to be a teacher, I should believe in tomorrow, it said that everything will be going fine!
Even though I don't pass it in the end, please don't lose your heart, you can do any work just except to be a teacher, I should believe in tomorrow, it said that everything will be going fine!