The Yangtse Evening Post conducted the survey among 50 personnel managers.
There was the big evening post to get off.
He had cut his editorial teeth on the London Evening Post.
The front photo of today's Yangtse Evening Post shows a girl playing in the snow in Nanjing.
"Our most spectacular feat was raising a boy from 83 I.Q. to 212," he told the Saturday Evening Post, in 1964.
The Shanghai Evening Post reported that over 60 percent of visitors took the subway to get to Expo Garden.
This means the overseas purchasing agents popular on many websites will be affected, the Yangtse Evening Post said.
The one that used to have the agency for The Saturday Evening Post and did all that talking when he sold 'em to you?
Mr Morgan claims it was agreed the group should wait for the rest of the order, he told the South Wales Evening Post.
The ordinary man, as the Saturday Evening Post has discovered, thinks in concrete images, anecdotes, pictures, and parables.
Super Love in the bone marrow where flowing, "which is what I saw yesterday's Yangtse Evening Post of a moving story of the truth."
He subsequently sold stories to Esquire, Collier's and The Saturday Evening Post - formulaic work that gave little hint of real originality.
Zhejiang satellite TV channel has bought the copyright of BBC's trump card program Tonight's the Night, the Yangtse Evening Post reported.
"I was so ill... that I vomited outside the restaurant where we were eating three times and almost fainted," the bride told the UK's Evening Post.
But non-hip people wouldn’t have heard of it and so when it appeared the following year in the Saturday Evening Post it was couched in an explanatory tone.
"Mr. Van der Luyden, " the butler continued, "is in, sir; but my impression is that he is either finishing his nap or else reading yesterday's Evening Post.
A video clip from a website revealed that a Shanghai public lavatory had offered several service packs to attract consumers, the Yangtse Evening Post reported.
The over-the-top promotion of the shows ruined audience's appetite, and the candidates were also criticized for their lack of talent, the Shanghai Evening Post said.
上海《 新闻晚报》报道说,选秀节目的过多宣传影响了观众的兴致,而且参加选秀的选手也被批没什么真实才能。
Each skill is described with vivid pictures and humorous notes. The creativity of the young girls has amazed netizens, the "Yangtse Evening Post" reported on Thursday.
News that filial piety will be one measure to gauge the most qualified students for Peking University next year has sparked a debate online, Yangtze Evening Post reported.
The recruitment of postgraduates by a pork chain store company in Guangzhou with an annual salary of RMB80000 may be only a marketing hype, says an article in Xi'an Evening Post.
Kuang is said to be a top student with "good character and strong leadership". He has won several prizes in English, physics and math contests, according to the Yangtze Evening Post.
In a commentary, the Shanghai Evening Post said: "Any incentive policy must not go counter to social equality or hurt the mass public's feelings, nor can it become a treatment for 'super citizens'."
So many, in fact, that I spent almost the entire evening trying to write a post about them, until I realized I'd have to break the whole thing down into several pieces.
So many, in fact, that I spent almost the entire evening trying to write a post about them, until I realized I'd have to break the whole thing down into several pieces.