They were now fighting over every little things, both didn't like changes came into their marriage.
My dear friends, let us put responsibilities in heart and put love in our hands to do every little things in a joint effort with honesty, integrity and dedication to our occupation;
Every day, write down three things that went well, or three things you are grateful for (even little things!) - after a week, you will start to see that every day has something to appreciate.
There was, for as long as I can remember, little pursuit of other things like, say, art, besides doing homework every night and taking school tests every two months.
It's not a regular journal, it's just a little book in which you list the things you do every day.
I still see the rock every day but now as something good in my little landscape.It's a reminder that each generation ought to find things out for itself.
It gets annoying and people do like a few things to be the same but not every little thing.
There are the little things - games every four days, the Champions League as well, which is a great challenge for me and the club, and a very young team with potential.
Our "candy" was awarded every now and then in the form of hilarious jokes and situations and little things he did that just kept the class from dying on him.
Unlike so many people, I have been privileged to spend every day working for things I've believed in since I was a little boy hanging around my grandfather's store.
Let me tell you-now that she has done the first two things, I am waiting every day for her to fulfill her promise, and I count it as my good fortune to have little suspense left in my life.
I was working a lot every week just for silly little things, when that time could be spent working for something bigger, something that reaffirms my life.
I cannot push away the fear nor change my life overnight, but if I dedicate myself to one single effort each and every day, I will see the power of changing little things to make a big difference.
To do simple things thoroughly, the classic, do the common things to do every little thing.
Such things as you do every day usually leave little impression.
In a world where humans are the measure of all things, every unique manifestation of life becomes merchandise and rare butterflies have little chance of living out their own evolutionary destiny.
And if my seemingly unintentional actions could have conditioned my niece in such a way, what are the little things you're doing every day that are unconsciously forming your beliefs and perceptions?
The little things happen every day but the major problems are there to cause yet another aviation disaster.
Kathy takes things a little further every time to make sure things are error free.
In fact, every day we just do some little things which can reduce carbon emissions.
So silly things, if you do every day to improve it a little, then it will become very smart.
They are little things that have been always happening every day, and were always so unimportant and easily forgettable before — but now!
The little things make the greatest memories, and in Beijing, those special moments are waiting around every corner.
And then at that time they used to bring a big car full of donuts and coffee out at 10 o'clock every morning, and everyone take a coffee and have a donut break, just little things like that.
每天上午十点公司拖来满满一卡车的甜面圈和咖啡,大家停下工作喝杯咖啡,品尝甜面圈。 很明显惠普明白公司真正的价值在于员工。
We realize the little things really do matter, and we care about every detail and every individual in our company.
I have little things to do every day. so I go to stock market. I am feeling not bad in these days.
I have little things to do every day. so I go to stock market. I am feeling not bad in these days.