The exact quantity cannot be determined at present.
Please inform me about the exact quantity upon completion of production.
Thus exact quantity of Hongshan Culture jade existing is significant for both collection and research.
Once the roles are assigned, the regulator has to decide on the exact quantity and composition of the new capital requirements.
When conducting provocation tests it is essential to know the exact quantity of the drug or agent and to give very small incremental doses.
However, you sacrifice flexibility because you must know the exact quantity, lifetime and type of objects while you're writing the program.
The size of our order depends very much on your price, so it would be difficult for me to tell you the exact quantity of the order without having the prices fixed.
Well. first. make meaning clear by using concise. forma language. Second. describe accurately the exact requirement. Finally , state clearly the permissible variation in quantity.
Acknowledge that the space you occupy in this world is in exact ratio to the quantity and quality of the service you render for the benefice of others, plus the mental attitude in which you render it.
Effective demand will not change in exact proportion to the quantity of money.
Please tell us that you have already agreed to the delivery of goods by the end of April the exact date, type, and quantity.
Requested by our customs, pls provide exact chinese name, quantity, and unit price. Only with it in detail, we can arrange customs clearance then. Pls advise as soon as possible.
由于我方海关要求,请您提供箱子内物品的准确中文名称、数量、单价,只有知道这些物品详 细情况,我方人员才能办理这个箱子的通关工作。
Not only can the customer now be sure that they get the exact color they selected, they can also save money by purchasing the correct quantity of paint.
Please advise us the exact shiping date, type, quantity about this batch of goods which you have promised will delivered in the end of Apirl.
The method including the process of extraction chromatography and the mass spectrum measurement for the exact analysis of micro neptunium in the existence of large quantity of uranium is established.
The method including the process of extraction chromatography and the mass spectrum measurement for the exact analysis of micro neptunium in the existence of large quantity of uranium is established.