Last month, every category of retailer suffered sales declines except for discount stores, and household retailing names like Circuit City and Mervyn's have gone bankrupt.
Facing the challenge of design scale of VLSI becoming larger, except for circuit parallel, the existing basic parallel approaches cannot solve test generation complexity problems radically.
There are no controls except a master circuit breaker, which serves as an on-off switch.
The name "current-feedback amp" carries some mystique, but, generally, the application-circuit configurations for voltage- and current-feedback amps are the same, except for a few key points.
The power and control circuit, clutch for dc power supply for general 24 volts (special orders except).
Except for traditional circuit requirements, programmable voltage reference requires that its voltage can be preset and regulated accurately through external digital signals.
Except for traditional circuit requirements, programmable voltage reference requires that its voltage can be preset and regulated accurately through external digital signals.