It USES a fast actuated nozzle to follow the exhaust pulse, reducing the turbine inlet area periodically to increase exhaust-gas pressure.
The formation mechanism of bulging and cracking of combustor inner liner and his influence on gas turbine exhaust temperature dispersity was analyzed.
Turbine exhaust temperature is an important thermal parameter in gas turbine power plants and its measured value is affected by sensors state.
The flow and heat transfer models of a Marine gas turbine exhaust cooling system were established, and the numerical method were presented for the solution of the models.
Combined with methanol's indirect use in power system, methanol and dimethyl-ether steam reforming use gas turbine exhaust gas to constitute the chemically recuperative gas turbine cycle.
At the same time, the quantitative relation, in the proposed cycle, among the gas turbine exhaust flow, the vaporized LNG flow and the CO2 working medium flow, is shown in this paper.
The localized design and performance analysis of gas turbine exhaust diffuser determine the performance of whole gas turbine exhaust system and the safety of waste heat boiler.
In order to offer reliable basis, in this article a few exhaust volute models of gas turbine are designed and some numerical simulations are carried on according to the requirements mentioned above.
The analysis shows that once the exhaust temperature changes, the changes of output and thermal efficiency for gas turbine set are significant.
To improve performance, the exhaust-gas power recovery turbine (3) is decoupled during partial-load operation.
为改进效率,在部分负荷期间将排气动力回收涡轮 机(3)断开。
H. E. A. t. 's unfired waste heat boilers recover valuable BTU's from hot process, diesel, or gas turbine exhaust.
H. E. A. t. 's unfired waste heat boilers recover valuable BTU's from hot process, diesel, or gas turbine exhaust.