France and Germany gain more than 40% of their tax take from social contributions and around a quarter from expenditure taxes, particularly VAT.
Among expenditure taxes, a flat tax-rate on final goods is less distortive than a panoply of excise taxes since it affects spending decisions less.
Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure.
And now it faces the usual prescription for economic recovery: tax increases, price rises and cuts in public expenditure.
Until 1999 Siemens openly claimed tax deductions for bribes, many of which were listed in its accounts as “useful expenditure”.
They classify their ten episodes of fiscal austerity into those that relied primarily on tax increases and those that relied heavily on cuts in expenditure.
Until 1999 Siemens openly claimed tax deductions for bribes, many of which were listed in its accounts as “useful expenditure”.
在1999年以前,西门子为”贿赂”公开申请减税 (注:在1999年以前,德国法律规定对本国企业在海外因用于拓展业务而发生的”公关费用”可以得到税收上的减免。) ,其账目上多项”贿赂”被列为”有益支出”(useful expenditure)。
Siemens claimed tax deductions for what it termed “useful expenditure”.
I am willing to give up my favorite tax expenditure if everyone else is willing to give up theirs.
The biggest expenditure, $175bn, is to put more money into the pockets of workers and their families through a 50% cut in payroll tax.
In expenditure, as the Chinese peasants are concerned, there are four categories: necessary daily account, periodical ceremonial expenses, capital for production, and interest, rent, and tax.
Before 1999, when it was legal for German companies to bribe foreign officials, Siemens claimed tax deductions for what it termed "useful expenditure".
Siemens claimed tax deductions for what it termed "useful expenditure".
Local government fiscal competition includes expenditure competition and tax competition, whose theoretical basis is fiscal decentralization theory.
Please provide estimates of the annual revenue forgone , as well as a tax expenditure statement.
So-called fuel oil tax is toll charge with other expenses and is imposed in future, to integrate each sections relation by means of legal engagement, to save energy and infrastructure expenditure.
Fiscal sociology, mode of fiscal regulation, fiscal balance, tax state, tax expenditure.
U. s. recommendations are often able to help customers reduce the effective tax rate, saving the expenditure of taxes and fees.
I. Consolidated industrial and commercial tax is levied at a 5 percent rate on interest incomes from foreign-exchange loan business by calculating the balance after subtracting interest expenditure.
So careful and prudent custody of the company's revenue and expenditure documents is the correct way to open a reasonable tax avoidance!
However, after the situation of our country tax research there are still some misunderstanding, many scholars of the financial expenditure line mixed type tax and the tax.
We introduced tax expenditure as the cost of the policy, and the maximum consumption of utility as the policy earnings.
Revenue expenditure is financed out of revenue receipts, both tax revenue and non tax revenue.
Tax planning can not only strengthen the sense of corporate tax and the legal system, but also lower tax expenditure and improve corporate profits.
Among numerous factors that affect the diversification strategy of a business, tax bearing, as an important expenditure, exerts a considerable effect without any doubt.
The costs of the tax increases or expenditure cuts requiredto bring down the debt may be much larger than the reduced crisis riskengendered by the lower debt(Ostry, Ghosh, and Espinoza, 2015).
The recent financial control means mainly includes tax control, financial expenditure control, financial credit control, and financial subsidies control.
The recent financial control means mainly includes tax control, financial expenditure control, financial credit control, and financial subsidies control.