In the Uruguay Round 10 years ago, the WTO ATC explicitly provided that developed countries should eliminate their textile and clothing quotas by stages in ten year's time.
Alternatively, the specific address (for example, the URI) denoting where the response is to be sent can also be provided explicitly as a parameter on the request.
In the login page, the tenant user inputs his user name and password with tenant name provided either explicitly by input or implicitly by URL.
Similarly, estimation activities can make use of artifacts produced by software development methodologies, provided these inputs are explicitly documented.
If there is no partitioning key provided explicitly in the CREATE TABLE command, the following defaults are used.
A full set of functions is provided so you can explicitly convert these values from one type to another as part of their manipulation in XPath 2.0.
提供了完整的函数集,因此可以把这些值显式地从一种类型转换为另一种类型,将这种转换作为它们在XPath 2.0中操作的一部分。
Information about included data is provided by metadata, explicitly referenced by the data object.
It is safe to suppress a warning from this rule if an externally visible method is provided that has the same functionality but a different name than the explicitly implemented method.
An upgrade path is always provided and compatibility between versions is usually maintained unless explicitly stated otherwise.
An upgrade path is always provided and compatibility between versions is usually maintained unless explicitly stated otherwise.