Exposure to public nervousness is a cost of doing business in the nuclear industry, just as exposure to volatile prices is a cost in the gas industry.
We all know there exists a great void in the public educational system when it comes to exposure to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses.
So in the NRC world these are the multiple barriers to public exposure and public risk.
“Because exposure to PBDEs is ubiquitous in industrialized nations, even small decreases in fecundability may have wide-reaching public health impacts,” the scientists said in their study.
"Because exposure to PBDEs is ubiquitous in industrialized nations, even small decreases in fecundability may have wide-reaching public health impacts," the scientists said in their study.
Exposure to air pollutants is largely beyond the control of individuals and requires action by public authorities at the national, regional and even international levels.
For almost two years now, public health and environmental experts have been pushing to reduce BPA exposure, especially in cans for processed food, baby bottles and infant formula.
Many countries around the world have already introduced laws to protect people from exposure to tobacco smoke in public places.
According to the bank for International Settlements, public-sector bonds account for only about 15% of European Banks' exposure to Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain.
More likely, SOX is a convenient scapegoat for the bosses of public companies, who tend to get more money and less exposure to complaints about fat-cattery when their companies go private .
Exposure to secondhand smoke remains an alarming public health hazard. Non-smokers need protection through the restriction of smoking in public places and workplaces.
Taking all of this evidence together, the most the court could conclude was that public exposure to asbestos fibers "creates some health risk ".
Furthermore, another thing going for evolution is simply the constant exposure of its ill-founded concepts to the general public.
You have been given a disposable respirator listed below to wear to help reduce your exposure to airborne germs during a public health emergency.
However, exposure to nonnutritious food and beverage advertisements combined with the use of stationary media create a conflict between entertainment and public health.
Since there is no real horse race, they mostly need to give Fields public exposure to make him feel more comfortable and to give outsiders a chance to size him up.
To begin with, the argument depends on the assumption that increased exposure to the visual arts on television, mainly public television, has caused a similar increase in local are-museum attendance.
The exposure of these food problems to the public is good evidence to prove the low sanitation of the factory.
Last week he hurled the local blacksmith over a parapet into a stream, and it was only by paying over all the money which I could gather together that I was able to avert another public exposure.
If the ash emission ratio of the latter decreases from 24.6% to 1%, public exposure doses of the two plants would be nearly equal.
Defined the personal credit investigation system's key is the exposure of credit information to the public, and it involved four parties and three basic legal relationship.
The extensive use of mobile phones causes increasing public concern on health effects of exposure to radiofrequency(RF) electromagnetic fields.
High magnitude disasters can overwhelm state medical systems, posing public health threats related to food and water supplies, housing and weather exposure, and injuries.
Could his public denunciation stem from the fear that China is somehow losing influence over Yao with his continual exposure to Western culture?
Could his public denunciation stem from the fear that China is somehow losing influence over Yao with his continual exposure to Western culture?